Sunday, September 19, 2010


It is almost 3 am. I am so broke. I am not wearing socks. ugh.

I have been feeling so femme as of late. See above images. I have long hair, I did not think this day would reappear. But here it is, and I quite like it. Perhaps tomboy femme is in the stars. I like being boy-y, but whats better than pretty boy-y?


What I am doing up I do not know. Perhaps it is my hyper heart and racing mind? Or the pizza that would by now almost be completely digested, but that filled my gullet to it's maximum capacity? I had a good girl friend of mine over for dinner tonight. I had not seen her for what seemed like eons. I used to see this lady once, twice, three times a day. I could not get enough of her, now things seem so grown up and she has a real job and we both have different focuses which naturally force us down totally opposite roads. I don't know anyone who shares my sense of humor like Jen does. In fact, thats one of the first things we acknowledged about one another. I have the most simple, easily activated, form of humor. I naturally don't find sarcasm or slap stick humor appealing, just sheer, blatant stupidity. Jen and I are both so good at being stupid and frivolous. I swear people think we speak a secret language, as people have actually asked us how we understand one another so well. I mean, either she is a soul mate, or we just actually have this inner dialogue that we both speak. But she is a good time and a phenomenal person. I have never seen her so happy, in fact, there are so many people close to me that I feel are happier than ever. That makes me so happy, even if I cant relate to their elation with all of my being temporarily. I love surrounding myself with happy, vibrant people. There is something so therapeutic about it, so reviving. I hope I appear happy to my friends, because I almost always, no matter what, latch onto happiness. It takes a lot, some terrible hurricane to fuck with my momentum, so I hope people see that. Anyways, we made home made pizza crust tonight, my first time, can I get a round of applause? We then, as a team, which does not come naturally to me in the kitchen, fixed up this huge mother fucking pizza with everything from pickled cauliflower, to tofurky sausage. It was a beast, and I could not believe how big it was. (thats what she said). We then talked about serious life topics, cause that needs to happen here and there, and went back to being dumb and watching youtube videos like old times. I am grateful for our friendship. I like her, a lot. I could never have asked for a better laughing partner.

So now I am in bed, after a midnight bath, articulating my rapid thoughts and trying to steer my way around what to blog about and what to throw into the later category. I am not so tired anymore, thank god. I can actually finish writing this before I get taken adrift to the land of dreamers. I was going to blog about things I need, as I am feeling intolerably needy this month, as my life is at a total pivotal point. I need a lot of pretty trivial things though, which makes me feel okay about relaying them to you.

1) I really need a job, mainly because I need dough
2)I need a friends closet to raid, I have a bizarre urge to share clothing, total first.
3)new music
4)CDs for said new music
5)more planned photography gigs and a formal, written plan for the next year (as a guide line of course)
6)to give love and to receive love and to show appreciation
7)a hair cut
8)new sheets
9)some form of consistent physical activity

Woah. I could go on, but I will spare you and myself. "There isn't much I feel I need, a solid soul and blood to bleed."

That really doesn't get any more accurate. Simplicity Lisa, simplicity.

Anyways, I should go to bed, so I can wake before the afternoon rolls in. Tomorrow will be great. TEGAN AND SARA WILL BE 30. NO WOMEN, WILL EVER MAKE ME FEEL SO EXCITED TO AGE CONFIDENTLY, LIKE THEY HAVE. amongst other things, they are my gateway to everything. Rock on.



Enjoy the completely random images of me, me, and me and Jen.

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